The toDateDiff(...) function has two variations, not counting syntax variations. You can convert a String to a DateDiff. You can also convert an Integer to a DateDiff.

toDateDiff( datediff-string )
toDateDiff( number-of-millis )


Parameter Description
datediff-string The String value to be converted to a DateDiff value. DateDiffs have a simple, but flexible String format. The String representation for a DateDiff is the [ISO 8601] extended format "P#Y#M#DT#H#M#S", where "P" means time-period, #Y represents the number of years, #M the number of months, #D the number of days, "T" is the date/time separator, #H the number of hours, #M the number of minutes and #S the number of seconds. The number of seconds can include up to 3 fractional digits representing milliseconds. The String may optionally be preceeded by a minus sign for negative DateDiff values. Also, any of the time units may be omitted entirely. If hours, minutes and seconds are all omitted then the "T" date/time separator may be omitted. Some examples are given in the table below.
number-of-millis An Integer whose value is the total number of milliseconds to be included in the new DateDiff value.


DateDiff String Value Description
"P12M" 12 months. This will be normalized to 1 year.
"-P6DT24H" Negative 6 days and 24 hours. This will be normalized to negative 7 days.
"PT27.50S" 27.5 seconds. This will be represented as 27 seconds and 500 milliseconds.
"P12MT90M" 12 months and 90 minutes. This will be normalized to 1 year, 1 hour and 30 minutes.
"P90D" 90 days. The days will not be converted to months since the conversion would not be precise.
"P1Y2M3DT4H5M6.007S" 1 year, 2 months, 3 days, 4 hours, 5 minutes, 6 seconds and 7 milliseconds.