The newPatientDrug() method creates a PatientDrug object that can be added to a PatientProfile object. This object has several properties that have to be set to ensure accurate results from Medispan screens. This takes the Medispan Product Id of a Medication as a String in the constructor.

newPatientDrug(medispanId, isScenario)

PatientProfile Object

Field/Function Description
setFrequency(frequency, timePeriod, periodUOM) 3 times per day would be passed, (3.0, 1.0, "Day")
setDuration(duration, durationUOM) 7 days would be passed, (7.0, "Day")
setDoseType(doseType) Usually "Maintenance Dose"
setDoseRoute(doseRoute) "Oral", "Intramuscular", etc.
setScheduleAdmin("PRN") Optionally set if the Medication is given PRN.
setDose(dose) "1 tablet", "325 MG", etc.