An Integer is a number without a decimal, known in mathematics as a whole number. In Relate Script, all Integers are 64-bit, meaning they can represent numbers in the range 9223372036854775807 to -9223372036854775808. This is large enough to count all of the milliseconds in 292 million years. In Relate Script, Integer values can also be null, meaning no value or value unknown.  Integer values can also be entered in hexidecimal (base 16) format by using the standard "0x" prefix.  For instance, 255 can also be written as 0xFF or 0xff.  Finally, numbers can be expressed in octal (base 8) format by prepending a zero.  So 255 can also be written as 0377.

There are many operations that can be done on Integers, all of which are discussed in the section on operators.