The substring(...) function has two variations, not counting syntax variations. It copies a part of a String value into a new String value. The substring(..) function results in null if any of the following conditions is met: 

  1. source-string is null
  2. start-index is null
  3. The absolute value of start-index is greater than the length of source-string
  4. The position indicated by end-index is less than the position indicated by start-index
  5. The end-index is negative and has a greater magnitude than the length of source-string

substring( source-string, start-index )
substring( source-string, start-index, end-index )
source-string.substring( start-index )
source-string.substring( start-index, end-index )

Parameter Description

The String from which to copy.


The position where copying will begin. If start-index is negative, then it is counted backward from the end of source-string. Therefore, -1 is the last character, -2 is the next-to-last and so forth.


The position where copying will end.  If end-index is negative then it is counted backward from the end of source-string. Therefore, -1 is the last character, -2 is the next-to-last and so forth. The character at end-index will not be copied into the new String. In other words, copying includes the character at the start-index but not the character at the end-index. If end-index is omitted, is null or is greater than the length of the source-string, then copying will continue through the end of the source-string.

Example Code Description
strVal.substring(0, 5) Get the first 5 characters of strVal.
strVal.substring(-5) Get the last 5 characters of strVal.
strVal.substring(2) Get all of strVal except the first 2 characters.
strVal.substring(0, -2) Get all of strVal except the last 2 characters.
strVal.substring(2, -2) Get all of strVal except the first 2 characters and the last 2 characters.