The compareToIgnoreCase(...) function has only one variation, not counting syntax variations. It compares two String values, ignoring case. If stringA is greater than stringB the result will be a positive number. The function will have a negative result if stringA is less than stringB. If stringA is equals to stringB ignoring case then the result will be 0.

When simply comparing two Strings using the normal comparative operators, they are compared using character-code order, which means upper-case letters are "less than" lower-case letters. This function allows users to compare pieces of text more like humans usually do, where capital letters are equivalent to non-capital letters.

compareToIgnoreCase( stringA, stringB )
stringA.compareToIgnoreCase( stringB )

Parameter Description

The first String value to be compared. 


The second String value to be compared

Example Code Description
strA.compareToIgnoreCase(strB) == 0 Results in true if strA is equal to strB ignoring case.
strA.compareToIgnoreCase(strB) != 0 Results in true if strA is not equal to strB ignoring case.
strA.compareToIgnoreCase(strB) > 0 Results in true if strA is greater than strB ignoring case.
strA.compareToIgnoreCase(strB) < 0 Results in true if strA is less than strB ignoring case.
strA.compareToIgnoreCase(strB) >= 0 Results in true if strA is greater than or equal to strB ignoring case.
strA.compareToIgnoreCase(strB) <= 0 Results in true if strA is less than or equal to strB ignoring case.