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BlueStep Platform Support

Relate Components
Outline full outline 
General Concepts/Getting Started 
Relate Within the BlueStep Platform 
Relate Data Organization 
Configuration Elements 
External Relate Connections 
Permissions and Relate 
The Relate Inspector 
Relate Structure 
Text Fields 
Memo Fields 
Date/Time Fields 
Number Fields 
Boolean Fields 
Single-Select Fields 
Multi-Select Fields 
Signature Fields 
Document Fields 
Relationship Fields 
Spacer Fields 
Section Header Fields 
Merge Report Fields 
Biometric Field 
Option Lists and Groups 
Multi-Entry Reports 
Merge Reports* 
End Points 
Permission Report 
Other Elements and Functions* 
Using Relate Outside Relate* 
Design Patterns 

Memo fields hold a large piece of text, or a String as programmers call it.  The maximum length of a text field is 4 billion characters.  Obviously you wouldn't want to wait for that much text to transfer over the internet, so the practical limit is quite a bit less.  A text field may contain any character from the unicode character set.  Most of the settings for memo fields are generic settings that apply to many field types. The only real differences are in the format options.

A memo field may have three different formats.  Regardless of the format, a width and height of the edit field may be specified.
Format/Setting Description
Height The height of the field when in edit mode.  This does not effect how much text may be entered.
Width The width of the field when in edit mode.  This does not effect how much text may be entered.
None (Plain Text) Allows any value.
Email Address List Allows a list of email addresses.  There are no known uses of this in actual use, but it's here for historical reasons.
HTML Text Transforms the field into a WYSIWYG rich-text editor with full HTML editing capabilities.