Under construction.

PDFs can be generated for various urls using the /pdf endpoint.  
It consists of the following parameters.
Following is the JSON structure used by the generator parameter:
  globalSettings: {
    collate: <boolean>,               //Collate when printing multiple copies (default true)
    cookie-jar: <path>,               //Read and write cookies from and to the supplied cookie jar file
    copies: <number>,                 //Number of copies to print into the pdf file
    grayscale: <boolean>,             //PDF will be generated in grayscale (default 1)
    image-dpi <integer>,              //When embedding images scale them down to this dpi (default 600)
    image-quality <integer>,          //When jpeg compressing images use this quality (default 94)
    lowquality: <boolean>,            //Generates lower quality pdf/ps. Useful to shrink the result document space
    margin-bottom: <unitsreal>,       //Set the page bottom margin
    margin-left:: <unitsreal>,        //Set the page left margin (default 10mm)
    margin-right: <unitsreal>,        //Set the page right margin (default 10mm)
    margin-top: <unitsreal>,          //Set the page top margin
    orientation: <orientation>,       //Set orientation to Landscape or Portrait (default Portait)
    page-height: <unitreal>,          //Page height
    page-size: <size>,                //Set paper size to: A4, Letter, etc (default A4)
    page-width: <unitreal>,           //Page width
    no-pdf-compression: <boolean>,    //Do not use lossless compression on pdf objects
    title: <text>,                    //The title of the generated pdf file (The title of the first document is used if not specified)
    outline: <boolean>,               //Put an outline into the pdf (default true)
    outline-depth: <integer>,         //Set the depth of the outline (default 4)
                        //All properties from pages below can be used except where noted.
  pages: [{
    type: <cover|toc|page>,         //One of 'cover', 'toc', or 'page'. Does not apply to globalSettings.
                                    //  cover: A cover puts the content of a single webpage into the output document, the page
                                    //    does not appear in the table of contents, and
                                    //    does not have headers and footers.
                                    //  toc: Inserts a table of contents into the output document
    page: <path>,                   //Url or text starting with <html>. Does not apply to globalSettings or toc type.
    //Following properties only apply to toc type.
    disable-toc-links: <boolean>,   //Do not use dotted lines in the toc
    toc-header-text: <text>,        //The header text of the toc
    toc-level-indentation: <unit>,  //For each level of headings in the toc indent by this length (default 1em)
    disable-toc-links: <boolean>,   //Do not link from toc to sections
    toc-text-size-shrink:<number>,  //For each level of headings in the toc the font is scaled by this factor (default 0.8)
    xsl-style-sheet: <text>,    		//Use the supplied xsl style sheet for printing the table of content
    //Following properties apply to all types as well as globalSettings.
    background: <boolean>,          //Do print background (default true)
    checkbox-checked-svg: <path>,   //Use SVG when rendering checked checkboxes
    checkbox-svg: <path>,           //Use SVG when rendering unchecked checkboxes
    cookie: [                       //Set an additional cookies
        key: <key>, 
        value: <value>   
    custom-header: [                //Set an additional HTTP header
        key: <key>, 
        value: <value>   
    custom-header-propagation:<boolean>,//Add HTTP headers specified by custom-header for each resource request.
    defaultHeader: <boolean>,       //Add  a  default  header,  with  the  name  of  the  page  to  the  left,  
                                    //  and the page number to the right, this is short for:
                                    //    header-left:'[webpage]', 
      	                            //    header-right:'[page]/[toPage]', 
                                    //    top:'2cm', 
                                    //    header-line: true
    encoding: <text>,               //Set the default text encoding, for input
    external-links: <boolean>,      //Make links to remote web pages (default true)
    forms: <boolean>,               //Turn HTML form fields into pdf form fields (default false)
    images: <boolean>,              //Do load or print images (default true)
    javascript: <boolean>,          //Allow web pages to run javascript (default true)
    keep-relative-links: boolean>,     //Keep relative external links as relative external links
    load-error-handling: <text>,    //Specify how to handle pages that fail to load: abort, ignore or skip (default abort)
    load-media-error-handling: <text>,//Specify how to handle media files that fail to load: abort, ignore or skip (default ignore)
    minimum-font-size: <integer>,   //Minimum font size
    include-in-outline: <boolean>,  //Include the page in the table of contents and outlines
    page-offset: <integer>,         //Set the starting page number
    password: <text>,               // HTTP Authentication password
    post: [                               //Add an additional post field(s)
        key: <key>, 
        value: <value>   
    print-media-type: <boolean>,    //Use print media-type instead of screen
    radiobutton-checked-svg: <path>,//Use this SVG file when rendering checked radiobuttons
    radiobutton-svg: <path>,        //Use this SVG file when rendering unchecked radiobuttons
    run-script: [<text>],           //Run this additional javascript after the page is done loading (repeatable)
    smart-shrinking: <boolean>,     //Enable the intelligent shrinking strategy used by WebKit that makes the pixel/dpi ratio none constant (default true)
    stop-slow-scripts: <boolean>,   //Stop slow running javascripts (default true)
    toc-back-links: <boolean>,      //Link from section header to toc (default false)
    user-style-sheet: <path>,				//Specify a user style sheet, to load with every page
    username: <text>,               //HTTP Authentication username
    viewport-size: <number>, 				//Set viewport size if you have custom scrollbars or css attribute overflow to emulate window size
    window-status: <text>,          //Wait until window.status is equal to this string before rendering page
    zoom: <float>,                  //Use this zoom factor (default 1)
    footer-center: <text>,          //Centered footer text
    footer-font-name: <text>,       //Set footer font name (default Arial)
    footer-font-size: <number>,     //Set footer font size (default 12)
    footer-html: <path>,            //Adds a html footer
    footer-left: <text>,						//Left aligned footer text
    footer-line: <boolean>,         //Do not display line above the footer (default false)
    footer-right: <text>,           //Right aligned footer text 
    footer-spacing: <number>,       //Spacing between footer and content in mm (default 0)
    header-center: <text>,          //Centered header text
    header-font-name: <text>,       //Set header font name (default Arial)
    header-font-size: <number>,     //Set header font size  (default 12)
    header-html: <path>,            //Adds a html header
    header-left: <text>,						//Left aligned header text
    header-line: <boolean>,         //Do not display line above the header (default false)
    header-right: <text>,           //Right aligned header text
    header-spacing: <number>,       //Spacing between header and content in mm (default 0)
    replace: [                      //Replace [key] with value in header and footer (repeatable)
        key: <key>, 
        value: <value>   


Relate Example 1:

reqObj = getHTTPRequester();
reqObj.url = "/pdf";
reqObj.method = "POST";
generator = new JSONObject();
pages = new JSONArray();
generator.put("pages", pages);
page = new JSONObject();
page.put("type", "page");
page.put("page", "http://www.bluestep.net");
pdfURL = reqObj.getContentURL();


Relate Example 2:

reqObj = getHTTPRequester();
reqObj.url = "/pdf";
reqObj.method = "POST";
generator = (String)newJSONObject(``{

reqObj.addParam("generator", generator);
pdfURL = reqObj.getContentURL();

Relate Example 3:
generator = (String)newJSONObject(``{
{"type":"cover", "page":"<html><body>Cover Page</body></html>"},
{"type":"page", "page":"<html><body>Hello World</body></html>"},
{"type":"page", "page":"/"}]

generator = generator.encodeURI();
url = "/pdf?forwardCookies&attachment&generator=" + generator;
anchor = "<a href='" + url + "' target='_blank'>Print PDF</a>";

javascript Example:

var generator = {
  globalSettings: {
     "print-media-type": true,
     "page-size": "Letter"
  pages: [
    { type: "toc"},
    { type: "page", page: "http://www.bluestep.net"},
    { type: "page", page: "http://amazon.com"}

var generatorEncoded = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(generator));

var newWindow = window.open("/pdf?fileName=myPDF.pdf&generator=" + generatorEncoded,"_blank");


See https://wkhtmltopdf.org/usage/wkhtmltopdf.txt for more details.