The getDispense(...) function retrieves a Dispense Object from the Mckesson Database by passing it a rxID and dispenseNumber. 

getDispense( rxID, dispenseNumber )
rxID.getDispense( dispenseNumber );

Parameter Description
rxID A String value containing the id assigned to the RX.
dispenseNumber A String value containing the dispense number assigned to the dispense.

The Dispense Object

Field Description
rxID A String value containing the id assigned to the RX.
dispenseID A String value containing the id assigned to the dispense.
dispenseNumber A Integer value containing the dipense number of the dispense.
item A String value containing the item name assigned to the RX.
prescriber A String value containing the prescriber's name assigned to the RX. 
dispenseQty A Integer value containing the quantity in the dispense.
dispenseDailyQty A Integer value containing the quantity to be given daily for the dispense.
instructions A String value containing the instructions for dispensing the RX. 
daysSupply A Integer value containing the number of days supplied for the dispense.
dispenseDate A Date value containing the date of the dispense.

Method Description
getFieldByID(String fieldID) This function results in a String containing the value for that field for that dispense.
getDispenseMap(DispenseCustomObject dispense) This function results in a Map always in case the soap call returns a Map of items, however, it is used to make webservice calls to a soap client.