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To access you desired ADL Care Group click on the care group number you have been assigned.

When the ADL Care Group page is displayed you may access the ADL function directly or you may click on the  the Resident "Select" link at the right of the displayed Resident information.  It is recommended that you use the Select option so that the "Nursing Aide Care Plan" is displayed for that individual resident.

  1. Select Resident Option
    When you select this preferred option the ADL - Service Report page will be displayed listing all the incompleted ADLs and the Resident's Nursing Aide Care Plan.  Review the Care Plan for additional information pertenate to the care and preferences for the Resident.
  2. Click on the first ADL to be performed.  This will direct you to the specific ADL reporting form to be completed.
  3. After completing the required ADL function, fill in the form and save.
  4. To select the next ADL for this Resident click on the ADL - Service Report link found at near the top of the left hand navagation bar of the Resident
  5. If you wish to select a different Resident select the ADL Care Gourp link found at the very top of the left hand navagation bar.  This will take you back to the ADL Care Group number you originally selected where you may then select a different Resident.