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Biometric fields are represented using a custom data type. In some Relate Script system messages, the type will be referred to by the generic data type name, Object. Some messages will refer to the more specific data type name, Biometric. A Biometric value is never null; however, it may be empty. This condition can be determined via its custom fields. When a Biometric value is cast to String it results in a snippet of HTML containing the standard thumbnail and possibly timestamp of the biometric field. Of course, if the field is not filled out, casting it to String results in null. A Biometric value has four fields and three custom functions detailed below.


Field/Function Name Description
timestamp This is a DateTime field containing the exact date and time the biometric data field was recorded. It is represented in the current user's preferred time zone. If the Biometric field is not completed, this field is null. This is a read-only field.
isSigned This is a Boolean field indicating whether the field has been completed.  This applies to both signature pad fields and thumbprint fields. This is a read-only field.
justSigned This is a Boolean field indicating whether the field was completed during the current edit process.  This applies to both signature pad fields and thumbprint fields. This is a read-only field.
imageURL This is a String field containing the URL of the image representing the biometric data.  The actual raw biometric data can also be retrieved in a similar fashion.  Contact BlueStep if you are interested.  This is a read-only field.
setHash(hash) A function which receives a hash value generated by the secureHash() function.  This method only works if the biometric field is 'justSigned'.  The purpose is to record a hash of the data that is being signed/verified by the end user.  That way at a later date a hash of the same data can be generated to see if anything has changed since the biometric field was completed.  This is a crucial factor in proving the signature is valid if its veracity is ever challanged.  The result of the setHash() function is a boolean value indicating success or failure with true meaning success.  This function is only available if the form containing the biometric field is marked as editable in the formula configuration.
getHash() Gets the previously stored hash value for the purpose of comparing it with a freshly generated hash value.
reset() This method clear a biometric field which currently has biometric data.  Its result is a Boolean value which is true if the field actually contains biometric data prior to executing the function.  This function is only available if the form containing the biometric field is marked as editable in the formula configuration.